Membership renewal notices for 2025
Annual Membership of the Manning Valley Race Club commences on the 1st of January 2025. Forms are now available below for existing members and new members.
The MVRC usually conducts 22 race meetings throughout the racing year.
The ‘Winning Post Function Centre‘ offers racegoers city class standards with country hospitality, so now is the time to join.
Membership subscription is great value at $65.00 as it is a ‘2 for 1‘ opportunity and includes a Member and Guest ticket.
Some other benefits of being a Race Club member include:
The Raceday Package includes:
A delicious two course luncheon
Reserved seating overlooking the home straight in our air conditioned function centre
Reduced prices to attend major events arranged by the club
Melbourne Cup Day is the only day of the year that the room inside the grandstand is fully reserved and entry is by pre-booked ticket only
Reciprocal Membership Rights at 17 other race clubs - please contact the club as to their entry conditions and access to their Member's areas as they will differ by each club:
Coffs Harbour
Kembla Grange
Port Macquarie
Tweed River
If you would like to become a member of Manning Valley Race Club please complete the membership form and :
1. Contact the race club office 02 6552 1183 and pay by credit card and email your form to office@mvraceclub.com.au.
2. Drop your form and cheque to the race club office (Racecourse Road, Taree)
3. Post your form and cheque to PO Box 6642 Chatham 2430
Bank Details for Direct Deposit
Bank: NAB
Account Name: Manning Valley Race Club
BSB: 082 856
A/C: 509950527
Reference Renewing Members: Current Membership Number
Reference New Members: Surname
New Applicants - Your Application will be approved by the Board and you will be notified accordingly.